The Lion And The Goat

Description: Description of the fable - The Lion And The Goat

  • The Lion And The Goat

    • Rising Action

      1. A lion and a goat were thristy
      2. They reached the pond at the same time
      3. They began to quarrel
      4. A flock of vultures were flying above them waiting for them to end fighting  
    • Climax

      1. The Lion and the Goat continued quarrelling for sometime 
      2. They noticed the vultures talking about eating one of them
    • Resolution

      1. The Goat made peace with the lion
      2. The lion obliged and they shared the pond to quench their thirst
    • Setting

      1. Forest
      2. Pond
    • Genre

      1. Fable
    • Moral/Lesson

      1. "In desperate times making peace with your enemy can better your situation"

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