Coordinating Conjunctions

Description: Words that link parts of a sentence


    • It is a word that joins two parts of a sentence

    • FOR

      1. Sentence - Jane drank some water, for she was thirsty.
    • AND

      1. Sentence - Tom likes to read and write.
    • NOR

      1. Sentence - Neither Jane nor her friend were at the school yesterday. 
    • BUT

      1. Sentence - I reached the venue,but I was latemeeting.
    • OR

      1. Sentence - Does he have any brothers or sisters?
    • YET

      1. Sentence - They worked very hard, yet they lost the game.
    • SO

      1. Sentence - He was sick, so he did not go to school.

public Lumos Mind Maps (376 Mind maps)

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Are there any examples of created mind maps with Lumos minds?