Context clues

Description: Explains about clues present in the Context

  • Context Clues

    • Definition

      1. The meaning of the word
        is explained in the sentence
    • Context clues used to help determine
      the meaning of unknown word.

    • Inference

      1. The meaning  is not given so
        you must use text clues
    • Example

      1. An example of the word is in
        the sentence or nearby sentence
    • Antonyms

      1. A word with opposite meaning is used
        in the sentence or nearby sentence
    • Synonyms

      1. A word with the similar meaning 
        is used in or near the sentence

public Lumos Mind Maps (376 Mind maps)

FAQs related to mind map:

What is a mind map?
How to create a mind map?
Is Lumos mind map free?
Are there any examples of created mind maps with Lumos minds?