Characteristics of Chickens

Description: Explore the characteristics of chickens with Lumos Mind Map

  • Characteristics of Chickens

    • Chickens are from the family of birds considered poultry

    • Male

      1. Rooster or cock
    • Chickens use their feet to help them scratch for food.

    • Female

      1. Hen
    • Both male and female chickens have sharp beaks and thin legs

    • Visible characteristics

      1. red combs and wattles
    • 3 main kinds of feathers

      1. Hackle feathers
      2. Saddle feathers
      3. Tail feathers
    • Baby chicks are normally hatched in the spring or summer

      1. Baby chicks are normally hatched in the spring or summer.
      2. It takes about 3 weeks for a baby chick to hatch
      3. The chick is covered in down (fluffy fur) before feathers
        start to grow for about a month.
      4. Chickens live about 6-12 years but farm chickens are
        often killed for their meat at around 2-3 years old

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