5.NBT.1 Understanding the Place Value System

  • Understanding the Place Value System (5.NBT.1)

    • Place Value Concepts

      1. Base-10 System
      2. Value of Digits
      3. Number Representation
      4. Expanded Form
      5. Comparing and Ordering Numbers
    • Decimal Notation for Fractions and Decimals

      1. Tenths and Hundredths Places
      2. Decimals and Fractions Conversion
      3. Comparing Decimals
    • Patterns and Relationships in Place Value

      1. Patterns in Number Sequences
      2. Multiplying and Dividing by 10
      3. Exponents and Powers of Ten
    • Rounding and Estimating

      1. Rounding to Nearest Ten, Hundred, etc.
      2. Using Rounding for Estimations
      3. Estimating Sums and Differences
    • Operations with Multi-Digit Numbers

      1. Addition and Subtraction
      2. Multi-Digit Multiplication
      3. Multi-Digit Division
    • Examples for Practice

      1. Place Value Concepts: Identify the value of the digit 7 in 4,763.
      2. Decimal Notation for Fractions and Decimals: Convert 3/10 to a decimal, compare to 0.4.
      3. Patterns and Relationships in Place Value: Observe pattern when multiplying by 1000.
      4. Rounding and Estimating: Round 654 to nearest hundred, estimate 654 + 289.
      5. Operations with Multi-Digit Numbers: Add 4376 and 2983, find the sum.

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