To Solve word problems based on Units of Measurement


This containe the steps to solve the word problems based on units of measurement

  • To Solve Word Problems
    based on Units of Measurement

    • Understand the
      Mind Map

      1.  Read the problem carefully
        and make
        sure you understand
        what is being asked.Mind Map
    • Check the
      Mind Map

      1. Identify the measurements
        and units
        involved in the problem.
        Mind Map
    • Convert units
      if necessary
      Mind Map

      1. If the measurements are given
        in different units,
        convert them to the same unit.Mind Map
    • Use the four operationsMind Map

      1. Use addition, subtraction,
        multiplication, or division
        to solve the problem,
        depending on what
        is being asked.Mind Map
    • Check your workMind Map

      1. Once the answer is obtained,
        check to make sure it makes sense
        and is in the correct unit.Mind Map

public Lumos Mind Maps (375 Mind maps)

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