The Country Mouse and The Town Mouse

Description: Description of the Story -

  • The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse

    • Genre

      1. Fable
    • Moral

      1. "A simple life in peace and safety is preferable to a life of luxury tortured by fear"
    • Characters

      1. Town Mouse - Johnny
      2. Country Mouse - Timmy Willie 
      3. Cat - Sarah
    • Main Events

      1. Johnny lives in the cupboard in a town
      2. Timmy Willies lives in a garden
      3. Timmy traveled to town
      4. Timmy met Johnny and his nine other mice friends
      5. Johnny treated Timmy to an eight course meal
      6. Timmy and Johnny encountered a cat
      7. They went all around and hid in a sofa
      8. Timmy realized his country life was much better than Town life
    • End

      1. Timmy Willie headed back to the country and realized life is peaceful

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