Digestive system

Description: Digestive system and its functions

  • Human Digestive System

    • Gallbladder

      1. Small pouch located below the liver
      2. Stores the bile

    • Esophagus

      1. Carries food to the stomach
      2. Muscular tube extending from  pharynx to stomach

    • Rectum

      1. Receives stool from colon
      2. Holds stool until evacuation

    • Stomach

      1. Mixes and grinds the food
      2. Secretes acid and powerful enzymes that help in digesting food

    • Pancreas

      1. Chief factory of digestive enzymes

    • Large Intestine

      1. Absorbs water and salt from material that is not digested as food

    • Small Intestine

      1. Carries out most of the digestion process
      2. Walls of the small intestine produces digestive juices
      1. Regulates most chemicals in the blood
      2. Excretes bile juice
      3. All blood from stomach and intestine passes through the Liver
    • Food

      1. Energy
    • Mouth

      1. Digestion starts in the mouth
      2. Salivary glands in the mouth secrete saliva
      3. Saliva has enzymes that help breakdown food  

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