5.NBT.B.7 Decimal Division

  • Decimal Division (5.NBT.B.7)

    • Understanding Decimals

      1. Place Value
      2. Comparing and Ordering
      3. Rounding Decimals
    • Division Fundamentals

      1. Long Division Process
      2. Estimation
      3. Division with Remainders
    • Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers

      1. Decimal Point Placement
      2. Zero as a Placeholder
      3. Scaling
    • Dividing Whole Numbers by Decimals

      1. Converting Divisor to Whole Number
      2. Adjustment of Quotient
      3. Checking for Correctness
    • Dividing Decimals by Decimals

      1. Normalizing Divisors
      2. Dividend Adjustment
      3. Division Algorithm
    • Examples

      1. Dividing a decimal by a whole number: `3.45 u00f7 5 = 0.69`
      2. Dividing a whole number by a decimal: `5 u00f7 0.25 = 20`
      3. Dividing decimals by whole numbers with remainders: `7.5 u00f7 2 = 3.75`
      4. Dividing a whole number by a decimal leading to scaling: `12 u00f7 1.2 = 10`
      5. Dividing decimals by decimals: `6.4 u00f7 0.8 = 8`

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