Writing numerical expressions

  • Writing Numerical Expressions

    • Understanding Mathematical Operators

      1. Addition (+)
      2. Subtraction (-)
      3. Multiplication (* or u00d7)
      4. Division (/ or u00f7)
      5. Exponentiation (^)
      6. Inverse Operations
      7. Composite Operations
      8. Conditional Operators (e.g., >, <, u2265, u2264)
    • Variables and Constants

      1. Numerical Constants (e.g., 5, -2, 3.14)
      2. Variables (e.g., x, y, a)
      3. Coefficients (e.g., 4 in 4x)
      4. Variable Expressions
      5. Evaluation of Expressions
      6. Simplification of Expressions
    • Order of Operations

      1. Parentheses or Brackets ()
      2. Exponents
      3. Multiplication and Division (L to R)
      4. Addition and Subtraction (L to R)
      5. Nested Parentheses
      6. Associative Property
      7. Distributive Property
    • Translating Verbal Phrases

      1. Sum, Total, Increased by (Addition)
      2. Difference, Decreased by, Less than (Subtraction)
      3. Product, Times, Of (Multiplication)
      4. Quotient, Divided by, Per (Division)
      5. Power, Squared, Cubed (Exponentiation)
      6. Identifying Key Phrases
      7. Constructing Complex Expressions
      8. Real-World Applications
    • Algebraic Expressions

      1. Monomials (e.g., 7xu00b2)
      2. Binomials (e.g., x + 3)
      3. Polynomials (e.g., 3xu00b2 - 2x + 5)
      4. Factoring
      5. Simplification
      6. Expansion

public Lumos Mind Maps (376 Mind maps)

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