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Eighth grade math - Solve multi-step equations

It takes more than two steps to solve an equation or inequality that has more than one operation. The first step would be to simplify an equation such that there are only variables on one side of the equal sign and numbers on the other side. Then, in the next steps, use basic mathematical operations to solve for the variables. Use the resources on this page to learn to set up multi-step equations and to solve these linear equations.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Solve multi-step equations

Related Topics

  • How do you do a two step equation?
  • It takes two steps to solve an equation or inequality that has more than one operation: Simplify using the inverse of addition or subtraction. Simplify further by using the inverse of multiplication or division.

  • How do you solve an equation?
  • But for now, here is how to solve the question in the above example using inverses:
    First, write down the expression:
    2a + 3 = 7.
    Then, undo the + 3 by subtracting 3. Remember, you need to do it to BOTH sides!
    2a + 3 – 3 = 7 – 3,
    so 2a = 4.
    Undo the multiply by 2 by dividing by 2, again on both sides:
    2a ÷ 2 = 4 ÷ 2.

  • What is the definition of a multi step equation?
  • You can solve equations that require more than two steps. They are called multi-step equations. If there are like terms on one side of an equation, first use the Distributive Property to combine them.

  • How do you solve a multi step inequalities?
  • Multi-step inequalities are solved using the same processes that work for solving equations with one exception. When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must reverse the inequality symbol.

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