How to Fix Run-On Sentences - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Fix Run-On Sentences - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

How to Fix Run-On Sentences - By TheSeahorseProject

00:0-1 thanks for tuning in to fixing run on sentences run
00:02 on sentences are difficult to read and can prevent the
00:05 reader from following your line of thought so they really
00:08 should be avoided . This video will show you how
00:10 to identify and fix them . So what is a
00:13 run on sentence ? You can identify a run on
00:16 sentence by looking for two things . The first is
00:19 it contains more than one idea , and the second
00:22 is it has no joining word between the separate ideas
00:26 . If a sentence has both one and two ,
00:28 it is a run on sentence . Let's look at
00:31 an example . Maths is a key subject in the
00:34 curriculum . It is taught in various ways . What's
00:37 wrong with this sentence ? It tells the reader to
00:39 things that maths is a key subject in the curriculum
00:42 and that maths is taught in various ways . But
00:45 it has no joining word between the two ideas .
00:48 Since it has both one and two , it is
00:50 a run on sentence . So how do we fix
00:53 this ? There are two ways . The first is
00:55 to put a full stop between the two ideas .
00:58 For example , maths is a key component in the
01:00 curriculum . Full stop . It is taught in various
01:03 ways . This keeps the ideas separate and makes it
01:07 easier for the reader to understand . The second way
01:10 is to add a conjunction or joining word between the
01:13 two ideas . Joining words includes words like end .
01:18 But although , and however , if you put one
01:23 of these into your example sentence , it now raids
01:26 . Maths is a key subject in the curriculum ,
01:28 however . It is taught in various ways . There
01:32 are a couple of other ways to tell if your
01:34 sentence runs on . Try reading the sentence out loud
01:37 . If you run out of breath or turn blue
01:39 , you probably need some punctuation . Or simply ask
01:42 yourself how many ideas are in your sentence . Remember
01:47 if there are two or more ideas but no joining
01:49 word the sentence runs on . Try to avoid these
01:53 by using short , sharp sentences . For example ,
01:57 maths is a key subject in the curriculum . It
01:59 is taught in various ways . This allows the reader
02:02 to follow your line of thought much more easily .
02:05 For more handy hints on studying at uni , check
02:08 out the other videos in our tuning . Siri's


This video shows how to identify a run-on sentence and how to fix them


How to Fix Run-On Sentences is a free educational video by TheSeahorseProject.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.1.F.

This page not only allows students and teachers view How to Fix Run-On Sentences but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. L.4.1.F : Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons.*.





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