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Eighth grade math - Cube roots of perfect cubes

Cube Root is a special value that when cubed gives the original number. To calculate the cube root, separating the digits into groups of three, starting at the decimal point, from both directions. Draw a cube radical sign over the number, and put a decimal point over the radical directly above the decimal point in the number. Learn more about cube numbers, perfect cubes, perfect cubes list, cubes and cube roots using the resources on this page.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Cube roots of perfect cubes.

Sample Questions on Cube roots of perfect cubes

Cube roots of perfect cubes Worksheets

Related Topics

  • How do you find the cube root of a number?

  • Determine the Cube Root. Ignore the last three digits of the number called out by the spectator and choose the memorised cube which is just lower (or equal) to the remaining number. The cube root of this is the first digit of your answer. Now consider the last digit of the number called out by the spectator.

  • What is the cube root of 343?

  • Cube root of 343 is 7.

  • What is a perfect cube?

  • A perfect cube is the result of multiplying a number three times by itself. a · a · a= a³ We can also say that perfect cubes are the numbers that have exact cube roots.

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