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Geometry - Identify complementary supplementary vertical adjacent and congruent angles

Complementary angles are two angles with a sum of 90º. Supplementary angles are two angles with a sum of 180º. Vertical angles are two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays. We can think of these as opposite angles formed by an X. Learn about vertical angles, comlementary and supplementary angles and related concepts with the help of resources on this page.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Complementary and Supplementary angles.

Sample questions related to Complementary and Supplementary angles

Complementary and Supplementary angles worksheet

Educational Apps related to Complementary and supplementary angles

Related Topics

  • Are all vertical angles complementary?
  • Vertical angles are two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays. We can think of these as opposite angles formed by an X. The Lesson: In the triangle shown below, the angles A and B are complementary because they have a sum of 90º.

  • Do vertical angles add up to 180?
  • First of all, a linear pair of angles is a pair of adjacent angles. Their non-common sides are always opposite rays. In addition, angles that form a linear pair are also supplementary, so their sum is always 180 degrees.

  • How do you identify angles?
  • Level 1 has acute, right, obtuse and straight angles. Level 2 has all angles in level 1 in addition to reflex angle. Measure each angle using protractor and identify the type. Read the type and draw the angle.

  • How are vertical adjacent complementary and supplementary angles related?
  • You learned that complementary angles are two angles that add up to 90 degrees, supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees, vertical angles are opposite angles at an intersection of two straight lines, and adjacent angles are two angles that are next to each other.

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