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Fifth grade math - Convert fractions to decimals

To convert fraction to decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. There are other easier ways too, multiply the numerator and the denominator by a number which makes the denominator a multiple of 10. Then, write down just the top number (numerator), putting the decimal point in the correct spot (one space from the right hand side for every zero in the bottom number). Learn more about fractions and decimals, comparing fractions, converting fractions into decimals by using the resources on this page.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Convert fraction to decimals.

Sample Questions on Fractions to Decimals

Fractions to Decimals Worksheets

Educational Apps related to Changing Fraction to decimals

Educational videos related to Changing Fraction to decimals

Related Topics

  • How do you change a fraction into a decimal using division?

  • To convert a fraction to decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.

  • How do you convert fractions to decimals and vice versa?

  • To convert a fraction to decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. To convert decimal to fraction, Write down the decimal divided by 1, and then multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point.

  • What is in a fraction?

  • A fraction is a number that represents part of a whole. It is consisted of a numerator and a denominator. The numerator represents the number of equal parts and the denominator represents the total amount of parts that make up a whole.

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