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Fifth grade math - Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

Many 5th grade math word problems involve adding fractions or subtracting fractions or multiplying and dividing fractions. First step in the addition and subtraction of fractions is to convert mixed fractions into improper fractions. Then the problem reduces to adding or subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Find the Lowest common denominator (LCD) of all the denominators and multiply and divide each fraction by LCD and reduce each of them to their equivalent fractions with LCD as the denominator. Since the denominators are same, add or subtract the numerators to get the result. For multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. For dividing fractions, reverse the second fraction and then multiply it with the first fraction. Practice many word problems with fractions from free fraction worksheets here and use other resources on this page to improve your skills.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers

Sample Questions related to Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

Worksheets related to Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

Educational Apps related to Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

Educational Videos related to Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

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