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Sixth grade - Surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms

Surface area is the total area of the surface of a three-dimensional object. The resources on this page will help you learn the formulas for surface area of a cube, rectangular prism and other 3 dimensional shapes.

The apps, sample questions, videos and worksheets listed below will help you learn Surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms

Related Topics

  • How do you find the surface area?
  • How to find the surface area of Rectangular Prisms:
    Find the area of two sides (Length*Height)*2 sides.
    Find the area of adjacent sides (Width*Height)*2 sides.
    Find the area of ends (Length*Width)*2 ends.
    Add the three areas together to find the surface area.

  • How do you find the surface area of a cylinder?
  • the area of the rectangle is the circumference of the circle x height or (2 r) * h. Add those two parts together and you have the formula for the surface area of a cylinder.

  • Is a cube the same as a rectangular prism?
  • Cuboids, Rectangular Prisms and Cubes. It has six flat faces and all angles are right angles. It is also a prism because it has the same cross-section along a length. In fact it is a rectangular prism

  • What is the difference between a rectangular prism and a cuboid?
  • In a rectangular cuboid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces of a cuboid are equal. By definition this makes it a right rectangular prism, and the terms rectangular parallelepiped or orthogonal parallelepiped are also used to designate this polyhedron.

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