Different types of texts part one - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Different types of texts part one - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Different types of texts part one - By Ib Hother Andersen

00:0-1 Hello , everyone . And welcome to this presentation about
00:03 texts about literature on about drama . My name is
00:08 Dipoto Anderson and I teach English at the business High
00:11 school . Happened off you don't want and I have
00:16 divided this presentation to two points . First part would
00:19 be about texts and Patricia General what it is in
00:25 the second part , I'm gonna go a bit deeper
00:27 into something techniques that are used in literature on more
00:31 specifically in drama . But let's get started . Um
00:39 , texts you can divide into four groups for categories
00:43 . They can either be informative , descriptive , instructive
00:47 or persuasive . Andi , I'm gonna take one ,
00:51 take them one by one and go in this informative
00:56 texts advice or tell you about something . Um ,
01:02 it might be such a thing as a newspaper article
01:04 , which can give you information about health issues such
01:08 as giving up smoking , which is a very good
01:11 idea . By the way . You could also be
01:13 a website that gives you information about the movie ,
01:16 a band or something that you're interested in . And
01:19 it could also be the hand up from school about
01:22 a study trip you're going on on . It will
01:25 give you details and information about this study trip ,
01:28 so informative texts inform you about the next category on
01:34 the descriptive texts , descriptive texts . I want you
01:40 to picture what they're describing . And a novel ,
01:44 for instance , might want you to imagine the characters
01:47 and see them in your mind . A travel book
01:51 will want to see the country it is describing ,
01:54 um , so novels , short stories plays all these
01:59 things generally fit in the in the category of descriptive
02:04 texts . Such texts . Such descriptive text . They
02:08 usually make use of adjectives and adverbs . Use comparisons
02:13 to help the picture , what it's trying to describe
02:17 , and it will employ your five senses . How
02:19 it feels , smells , how it looks , sounds
02:23 and how it tastes . The next category are the
02:29 instructive texts they instruct you or tell you how to
02:34 do something . For instance , of recipe . The
02:37 recipe wants to instruct you how to cook something or
02:41 bake a loaf of bread . You can also have
02:46 a leaflet that comes with a piece of furniture that
02:49 wants to tell you how to put it together or
02:51 take care of it from like a You know ,
02:54 for instance , instructive texts are written as though the
02:58 reader is being spoken to . Yeah , we don't
03:01 normally used the work . You in the text the
03:05 instructor texts , but you're being spoken to the languages
03:08 direct and unnecessary Works left out the word must or
03:15 must not are often used can have diagrams or pictures
03:20 that are used to help you understanding the message .
03:26 Persuasive texts want you to do something , and ,
03:33 as you can see , there's this . Adhere from
03:37 Heinz Tomato ketchup . Very old pad . Had them
03:41 . If this at what you to buy something .
03:43 It is trying to persuade you into buying the product
03:48 . Um , so , um , you can also
03:53 , for instance , right letter to a friend that
03:57 you watch cool on a holiday with to try to
04:02 persuade him into going with you . Or you can
04:04 try and write the letter to get off the parking
04:07 tickets . So these are examples of persuasive texts in
04:11 persuasive texts . There will be repeated words , text
04:16 in capital letters , exclamation marks , rhetorical questions ,
04:21 which are questions where no answer is needed and they're
04:24 generally an emotional one . Sided arguments . They're not
04:27 really objective . Text them or subjective , um ,
04:34 playing with people's emotions that use humor , humorous weapon
04:39 in . It's not actually quite strong when you want
04:44 to sell something , For instance , persuade people into
04:46 selling . Yes . So these were the four categories
04:51 . So let's go into the next big question here
04:54 because people ask is then everything literature , Our every
04:58 text is every text you could find literature . And
05:03 when we answer that question , we need to understand
05:05 that there are actually different definitions off with literature .
05:10 I'm going to keep you three . I'm gonna mention
05:12 three definitions in the last one I'm gonna mention is
05:15 the one that's more generally accepted as the That's the
05:20 one we use today . But I'm gonna mention the
05:23 other ones as well . Um , the world literature
05:26 actually comes from the Latin literature , which means a
05:30 letter . And so if you have , you can
05:35 have a broad definition , that is , then that
05:38 , uh , it's just a written work with Lexus
05:41 in it . Something would let us in with them
05:44 according to this broad definition to literature . Actually ,
05:48 we can have an even broader definition because work literally
05:51 , which means that it But it also means a
05:53 symbol , and a sculpture could then also be literature
05:57 . Since the sculpture could be a symbol thes two
06:01 definitions . Block definitions are , however , not very
06:05 much use or accepted . People generally tend to talk
06:09 about literature , uh , with a more narrow definition
06:16 , and the most more narrow and most widely accepted
06:19 definition is that it's creative writing off recognized artistic value
06:24 . I'm just gonna repeat that because it's important creative
06:28 writing off recognized artistic value . So this means that
06:32 when you talk about literature on what it is ,
06:36 this really literature , then it needs to be creative
06:39 , and it needs to be in writing gets us
06:42 in a book , for instance , and it needs
06:45 to be recognized by people as something that has some
06:48 value within the arts , no creative writing or recognized
06:51 artistic value . And that means that way , normally
06:55 have to make a distinction between literature and more ordinary
06:58 pieces off text . So , for instance , an
07:01 ad is not literature literature . There are three big
07:09 groups of literature . Poetry , prose and drama ,
07:13 poetry or poems . They often have a specific formal
07:17 structure with verse , metaphors , meter syllables and rhythm
07:22 . Maybe this rhyme and alliteration such as Peter Piper
07:28 picked a peck of pickled peppers that would be little
07:31 ation or tigers took title today , concede the repetition
07:36 of letters that would be a liberation . But then
07:38 again , poetry . Sometimes , uh , it's more
07:42 free , has free verse , and then it kind
07:46 of does not have a specific former structure . Always
07:48 , but normally does have specific formal structure pros than
07:54 this . Not have any specific former structure . And
07:58 many things such as essays , novels , articles ,
08:02 philosophy fit in this group . Off pros . Um
08:08 , actually , if we take poetry and prose there
08:12 , there is an Xterra like samples off mixtures .
08:15 For instance , the Icelandic pro songs from the 11th
08:17 century . They bridge early poetry with early pros .
08:21 So sometimes you actually have a mixture drama than um
08:27 , drama is generally dialogue right between characters and when
08:35 drama is really is generally generally aims at theater performances
08:39 . Well , reading Um , for instance , Shakespeare
08:44 . Shakespeare wrote his place such as Romeo and Juliet
08:48 . Yeah , in order for them to be performed
08:52 on stage , however , we do read Shakespeare Spell
08:56 and Shakespeare's plays are generally viewed as Yes , sir
09:02 , top literature . However , it's not only met
09:07 for the stage today , drama is also we have
09:12 drama teeny movies . Um , and a fine example
09:21 was that in 1933 before they had television . People
09:26 used to listen to the radio on . And there
09:29 was this 1931 radio drama play that was called War
09:35 of the Worlds , which was about aliens invading the
09:39 world . Andi , it was very popular , but
09:42 people sometimes thought that it was . They confused it
09:48 with news . So because it was on the radio
09:52 . Normally you have news on the radio , and
09:54 people thought that Oh , my God , we're being
09:56 invaded by aliens . And people ran screaming into the
09:59 streets thinking that the world has come to an end
10:03 . So that's a funny example of how drama sometimes
10:08 is confused with news . Well , um , I
10:18 think that for now I'm going to stop this presentation
10:23 and I'll see you in the next section , which
10:27 will then be about liberal techniques on . We're gonna
10:34 go either into drama . So thank you for listening
10:37 on Hope to see you . If you could say
10:41 that in the next pot


I will tell you about texts, about literature, and about drama


Different types of texts part one is a free educational video by Ib Hother Andersen.It helps students in grades 4.

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