Grade 4 ELA: Making Inferences Using Non Fiction Text RL 4 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grade 4 ELA: Making Inferences Using Non Fiction Text RL 4 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Grade 4 ELA: Making Inferences Using Non Fiction Text RL 4 1 - By EngageNY

00:29 Michael , can you please go ahead and read us
00:37 the first learning target ? I can use text evidence
00:40 to support my inferences . Okay . In your best
00:43 words , can you refreeze that text ? Evidence is
00:46 like details that you couldn't support your influences with .
00:50 Okay , beautiful . Can you read the second learning
00:52 target for us ? I can participate in a discussion
00:56 with my partner about our inference . Okay , Good
01:00 . Can you just put that learning target in your
01:02 own words ? For us , it means like you
01:04 can talk to your partner about what ? Your inferences
01:08 and you and you can tell them about your text
01:12 evidence . Beautiful . If you just take a look
01:15 over here , what I did was I blew up
01:18 on this chart . A piece of the speech that
01:21 we've closely read from Obama . The objective of way
01:23 lesson today was for Children to be able to read
01:27 a complex text that they've already read closely and be
01:31 able Thio draw inferences from it based on text evidence
01:35 . So what I did was I made you guys
01:37 copy . So you have them all at your on
01:39 your laps right now . So if you could just
01:41 follow along , I want you to pay close attention
01:44 while I just read this one section . And I
01:46 focus in on what the text says and if I
01:49 can draw any inference is based on what I've read
01:52 so far . The students were given ample amount of
01:55 time Thio really take on a complex text . And
01:59 in this instance , it was , um , an
02:00 excerpt from President Obama's speech that he gave in 2009
02:04 . They had the time Thio closely read it and
02:06 really highlight words that they struggled with and focused on
02:11 . You know how to get through that text ,
02:12 and they chunked it at their own level . I'm
02:14 a trained . You should do good in school to
02:17 get a good feature , which seems like What do
02:20 you get older ? You get , like , a
02:22 good career . And don't just not get a good
02:25 job , not get a job . Yeah , And
02:28 then in the text , um , which is right
02:32 here ? Yeah , here , up to here ,
02:34 here in America , you write your own destiny ,
02:36 you make your own future . I accept great things
02:39 which is right there . Yeah , which we wrote
02:42 . So that was the text evidence on Another thing
02:46 is , don't let your us down in your family
02:49 or your country or you sell it down . So
02:53 that's what it means before implements . Text Evans .
02:58 I'm inferring that that he has that is childhood .
03:02 Wasn't as good as he should have have been .
03:06 Does it mean ? Yeah , um , you know
03:09 , this acceptance is always e paragraph I'm not proud
03:15 of proud of it . E got in trouble more
03:18 from this text . I thought that pulling inferences would
03:21 be a little bit more challenging because it was a
03:24 speech which is not something that they're necessarily comfortable with
03:27 reading . It's something they're used to just listening to
03:29 want you to listen to the language . Okay ,
03:31 I wrote . I'm inferring that Obama is a president
03:34 that feels passionate about education on . We'll focus on
03:38 this while he's in office . Text evidence . I
03:41 know this because in the text it states that he
03:43 has given a lot of speeches about education . We've
03:47 already read this . They've listened to the speech ,
03:49 they've read it . But now , today they're looking
03:52 at a text through a different lens . So they've
03:55 already read it closely , and they've gotten the main
03:57 idea from it . But today , now , as
03:59 readers , they're looking at the text to make inferences
04:02 . So I'm inferring that if I quit school ,
04:05 I won't be successful in life . That's the inference
04:07 you made . That's wonderful . Okay ? And then
04:09 your text evidence is I know this because I know
04:11 this because in the text it says we don't you
04:15 do . You do not do that if you quit
04:17 school . You're not just quitting . Quitting on yourself
04:22 . You're quitting on your country . My partner ,
04:24 Danny , and I inferred that if you work hard
04:27 , you can get anything done . Um , I
04:30 know this because in the text , it says neither
04:32 of Michelle Obama's parents have gone to college and they
04:35 don't and they didn't have much , but they worked
04:38 hard so that she could go to the best schools
04:41 in the country . Okay , really nice . So
04:44 they got the close read in , and they got
04:46 the main idea of the lesson . And then today
04:49 it was broken down even more so . I think
04:51 it was important for the students to see that you
04:54 can read a text multiple amount of times for different
04:57 reasons and really gain different levels of knowledge from each
05:00 time you revisit the text . No one's written your
05:03 destiny for you . You write your own destiny ,
05:07 you make your own future e expect great things from
05:10 each of you . So don't let us down .
05:12 Don't let your family or your country or yourself down
05:15 make us all proud . I know you can do
05:17 it . Okay , so we have Thio since I
05:20 did the inference last time . Do under the influence
05:22 and I'll do the text evidence . Yes , Uh
05:25 , I'm inferring that Obama wants you to work hard
05:29 in school so you can have a good future .
05:33 Now I know it's not always easy to do once
05:35 well in school . I know a lot of you
05:38 have challenges in your lives right now that makes it
05:42 hard to focus on your school work that it wasn't
05:47 always easy , as focused as I should have been
05:51 like , If you have something your mind that's hard
05:54 to get rid of your it's hard to like .
05:56 Take it off that you're one of the things that
06:00 I've had to let go of as a teacher was
06:02 really just letting go and letting the kids take on
06:05 the text at their own rate and go through the
06:07 text and read it closely and read it first to
06:10 get the flow and then to trunk it and get
06:13 the gist . And then to re read there just
06:15 then to get the main idea and the last learning
06:17 target I wanna highlight . I can explain how I
06:20 make an inference and why it is important when I
06:23 read . Okay , so the how part how do
06:26 we make inferences ? What is it that you have
06:28 ? Thio Macon . Inference . You have tow read
06:32 a passage , and then it doesn't have thio passage
06:38 , But you have to use your brain e o
06:53 e the Oh , good . So can I have
06:58 a volunteer to maybe just piggyback off of what Sam
07:01 said to kind of explain toe , push your thinking
07:03 a little further to explain what an inferences ? Well
07:06 , an inference is when you draw a conclusion based
07:08 on the text in the article . So me and
07:13 Sophie , um , said that weight ? Sophie ,
07:16 what did you say ? I said that in an
07:19 inference . It doesn't come right out and tell you
07:21 , um , so you have to cut like you
07:24 have to use your brain and you have to ,
07:26 like , think of something that you think would be
07:30 a good inference about what you've read with the staircase
07:32 of complexity . You have to slow down and we
07:35 have to kind of let go and say , Okay
07:37 , let me give the kids the special time that
07:39 they need to get through the text and to be
07:41 able to absorb it and then to be able to
07:43 talk about it to someone else . Our inference was
07:47 that I'm inferring that here in America everyone is independent
07:50 and we take care of our own Selves . And
07:54 my direct evidence is that I noticed because in the
07:57 Texas today said , You're in America . You write
07:59 your own destiny and you make your own future okay
08:03 , Really good . Me and my partner , Jonathan
08:06 Flemmen , were inferring that President Obama wants us to
08:09 focus on her school work , and we back that
08:12 up by saying in the text , it says that
08:14 Obama doesn't want us every waking hour in front of
08:17 the TV or with that Xbox . Beautiful . That
08:20 is an excellent model of what a inferences . I
08:23 think we're seeing better results as teachers while they're reading
08:27 , because they're getting that time . Now . When
08:29 you think about a close read , it takes the
08:30 longer amount of time for the kids to get through
08:32 it . But the results are better and the more
08:34 positive and the kids were really comprehending the text at
08:38 a deeper level . I'm really pleased with the results
00:0-1 .


Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.


Grade 4 ELA: Making Inferences Using Non Fiction Text RL 4 1 is a free educational video by EngageNY.It helps students in grades 4.

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