Lumos StepUp Efficacy Study: Riverside West Elementary School, Arkansas-2018-19

School Overview

Riverside West Elementary School is based in Lake City Arkansas, which comes under Riverside School District. The school supports over 275 students across grades grades Pre-K to 6. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 13.5:1 and about 36% of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Riverside West Elementary School Demographics


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Riverside west Elementary School in 2017-18 and 2018-19 as indicated in schooldigger
The school used Lumos StepUp program in 2018-19 to support student’s ACT Aspire preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Riverside West Elementary School Ranking

There are 487 elementary schools in Arkansas and Riverside West Elementary School was ranked 69th in the 2017-18 academic year. In 2018-19, the school adopted ELA program for Grades 3 to 6. About 266 students used the Lumos StepUp program for ACT Aspire ELA practice. In the 2018-19 ACT Aspire tests, Riverside West Elementary School rank improved by 30 positions.

Grade 3 ACT Aspire Test-scores

Riverside West Elementary School Grade 3 ELA

Compared to 2017-18, the percentage of 3rd graders who met state expectations in 2018-19 ACT Aspire ELA assessment increased by 6%.

Grade 4 ACT Aspire Test-scores

Riverside West Elementary School Grade 4 ELA

There was an increase of 6%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2018-19 Grade 4 ELA ACT Aspire.

Grade 6 ACT Aspire Test-scores

Riverside West Elementary School Grade 6 ELA

Compared to 2017-18, the percentage of 6th graders who met state expectations in 2018-19 ACT Aspire ELA assessment increased by 7%.

Overall Result

  • The use of Lumos StepUp for ACT Aspire ELA practice in 3rd, 4th & 6th grades in 2018-19 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • Grade 3rd, 4th & 6th students in Riverside West Elementary School have surpassed state average in 2018-19 ELA ACT Aspire assessment.
  • The overall school ranking improved by 30 positions from 69 in 2018 to 39 in 2019.

Steven Jarvis