Benefits of audiobooks for struggling readers

Do you remember the time when our parents or teachers read stories to us?

Reading aloud is one of the best things parents and teachers can do with children. Research says that “Reading to young children causes activity in the brain related to reading skill development, verbal development, and image development, giving children a cognitive advantage early on.”
It is crucial to raise children smartly in the fast-paced world. Giving children exposure to digital programs from an early age can help them in many ways. We did not have this privilege. Today when we look around, we see ourselves surrounded by technology.

Digital technology has a profound effect on traditional books. Audiobooks are a good option to help your troubled readers in several ways:

1. First and foremost, audiobooks provide a model of fluent, expressive reading. This can help your struggling readers hear what fluent reading sounds like and understand the relationship between the words on the page and the sounds of the words.
2. Reading-along activities can help children follow the story, improving their comprehension.
3. Audiobooks can be enjoyable, motivating children to keep reading.
4. Many struggling readers give up easily when they encounter a difficult book. However, if they can listen to the book being read, they may be more likely to stick with it.
5. Finally, audiobooks can help struggling readers build their vocabulary. They will hear new words used in context and will be able to look up words that they don’t know.

The never-ending list of benefits of audiobooks!
Audiobooks can help with many of the issues you may encounter with reluctant readers, from making reading fun to encouraging listening skills.
  • Encourage word recognition: It can be much easier to recognize words when spoken aloud. This is particularly true for children with dyslexia. By hearing the words spoken, children can feel more comfortable and familiar with them.
  • Make reading fun and engaging: Audiobooks can add new dimensions to a book, making it more engaging for reluctant readers.
  • Help with reading aloud: Listening to an audiobook can also help children with reading aloud, as they can hear how the words are pronounced. This can help to build confidence and improve reading fluency.
  • Encourage listening skills: Audiobooks also help encourage listening skills as children learn to follow a story.
  • Help to develop imagination: Audiobooks can help to inspire children’s creativity, especially if a narrator reads them with a clear voice.
  • Encourage a love of reading: Finally, audiobooks can be enjoyable, motivating children to keep reading. Children can finish their books and listen to them, something that can be a great achievement for reluctant readers. So there you have it!

Audiobooks are an easy and convenient way to improve reading fluency in children. It also develops a love for reading, allowing them to dive into imaginative worlds of stories.

Here are some fantastic audiobooks for Elementary Schoolers:

1. Lumos Reading Buddy: The Lumos Reading Buddy provides excellent read-along activities, where children can listen to the books of their favorite genre like stories, history, poems, informational passages, science, and a lot more.

Diana Jones