Are your students having a hard time reading fluently? Do they lack the confidence to read in front of their peers?

Many schools are adopting the “Reading Buddies” concept in their classrooms. There are many benefits to having reading buddies, both for younger kids and the older kids who volunteer their time. Kids who participate in reading buddy programs have been shown to have increased reading comprehension, fluency, and confidence. They are also more likely to enjoy reading and see themselves as readers. For adults, volunteering as a reading buddy can be a rewarding way to give back to the community and help children develop a love of reading.

Some benefits of having reading buddies include:

1. Increased reading comprehension – When kids read aloud with a buddy, they are more likely to pay attention to the story and understand what they are reading.
2. Improved fluency – Reading aloud with a buddy can help kids practice their reading fluency and learn to read more smoothly.
3. Greater confidence – Kids who read with a buddy often feel more confident about their reading skills and are more likely to enjoy reading.
4. A love of reading – When kids see others modeling a love of reading, it can inspire them to develop their own love of reading.

Lumos’ Digital Reading Buddy

Lumos Learning’s Reading Buddy program allows students to record their voice reading a fun story and publish it on the platform. Then, the other students can listen to the recording and improve their reading comprehension, fluency, and confidence.
When kids listen to a buddy, they often feel more confident about their reading skills and are more likely to enjoy reading. Reading with a buddy can also help kids practice their reading fluency and learn to read more smoothly. They can also help kids learn to read more smoothly and become more proficient readers.
Read-along can help kids improve their reading fluency by providing them with a model to follow. For example, when kids read along with a recording of someone reading aloud, they can learn to read more smoothly and with expression.
When kids read to other kids, they can provide encouragement and motivation. Kids who are struggling readers can see that there are other kids who are also struggling and that they can still enjoy reading. Additionally, kids who are more proficient readers can help other kids who are struggling, boosting their confidence. Additionally, this can help kids develop a love of reading by hearing their own voices reading aloud.

Diana Jones