Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

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Age word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal solves the following age word problem:������������William is 4 times as old as Ben. 12 years ago, William was 7 times as old as Ben. How old is Ben now?

Add and subtract polynomials with two variables

By Khan Academy

Sal simplifies (4x^2y - 3x^2 - 2y) + (8xy - 3x^2 + 2x^2y + 4).

Adding and subtracting complex numbers

By Khan Academy

Sal subtracts(6-18i) from(2-3i).

Simplify numerical radical expressions with multiple terms

By Khan Academy

Sal shows how to rationalize the denominator of the expression (16+2x^2)/(8).

Comparing decimal place value

By Khan Academy

We're having a blast with decimals! Check this one: we're comparing place values. This will blow your mind.

Combining like terms with distribution and negative numbers

By Khan Academy

We've learned about order of operations and combining like terms. Let's layer the distributive property on top of this.

Computing in scientific notation

By Khan Academy

Computing in scientific notation

Comparing linear functions word problems

By Khan Academy

Sal is given a table of values that represents four people walking to school, and is asked to determine which one started out farther from the school.

Counting money (U.S.)

By Khan Academy

Counting money (U.S.)

Decompose figures to find volume

By Khan Academy

Find the volume of an irregular 3D figure made up a unit cubes by dividing the figure into two rectangular prisms and finding the volume of each part.