World Currency Converter - money calculator converter, exchange rates & live rate chart pro (convert Dollars, Euros, Bitcoin and many more!) - Lumos Educational App Store

World Currency Converter - money calculator converter, exchange rates & live rate chart pro (convert Dollars, Euros, Bitcoin and many more!)

World Currency Converter - money calculator converter, exchange rates & live rate chart pro (convert Dollars, Euros, Bitcoin and many more!) - By Sandeep Bhandari

Price - $Free


Simple Currency Converter - Track Currencies from around the world. It offers live proprietary currency rates and charts, and even stores the last updated rates so it works when the Internet doesn't. This easy-to-use currency calculator. USE IT OFFLINE - Stores the last updated rates - Convert prices without internet access Currency Exchange Rates is a fast and powerful app that provides the following features: - View real time currency exchange rates - Easily convert between your favorite currencies - View real time currency charts - View currency charts in full screen mode - Easily searc


World Currency Converter - money calculator converter, exchange rates & live rate chart pro (convert Dollars, Euros, Bitcoin and many more!) is a free educational mobile app By Sandeep Bhandari.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download World Currency Converter - money calculator converter, exchange rates & live rate chart pro (convert Dollars, Euros, Bitcoin and many more!) but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Sandeep Bhandari

Developer URL: NA

Software Version: 1.2

Category: Travel

Release Date: 2015-01-06T20:38:07Z


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