Oblique: Productive Strategies - Lumos Educational App Store

Oblique: Productive Strategies

Oblique: Productive Strategies - By Squarevibe Inc.

Price - $$2.99


SPRING DISCOUNT - 80% OFF APP Featured in the Top 5 Productivity Charts in the UK AppStore Featured in the Top 10 Productivity Charts in the UK AppStore Featured in the Top 50 Productivity Charts in the US AppStore Oblique Strategies are intended to inspire your mind and excite creative strategies in an artist, engineer, or anyone who is grappling with a problem they cannot solve. This is an ideal solution for writer's block and breaking dilemma situations. They encourage lateral thinking and question the traditional approach. The Oblique Strategies is created by


Oblique: Productive Strategies is a free educational mobile app By Squarevibe Inc..It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Oblique: Productive Strategies but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Squarevibe Inc.

Developer URL: http://www.squarevibe.com

Software Version: 3.4

Category: Productivity

Release Date: 2014-07-30T18:22:25Z


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