Ångström, the unit converter - Lumos Educational App Store

Ångström, the unit converter

Ångström, the unit converter - By Alexander Babaev

Price - $Free


Convert units, currencies and timezones faster than you type. Start with the number, then type one or two letters and see the result. Use dedicated numpad to avoid switching keyboards. Forget digging through endless unit categories in urge to find the one you need (although you can do it when in adventure mood). If the number is in your clipboard, we’ll pick it up. We learn what you convert to make better guesses over time. We keep currency rates updated, but show you approximate values when offline. We support alternative spelling of many units. Type “45f”, get Fahrenheit converted


Ångström, the unit converter is a free educational mobile app By Alexander Babaev.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Ångström, the unit converter but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Alexander Babaev

Developer URL: http://ilyabirman.net/projects/angstrom/

Software Version: 1.11.1

Category: Productivity

Release Date: 2014-02-17T18:35:16Z


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