CoinTossy - Lumos Educational App Store


CoinTossy - By Makoto Ohnami



This app was developed to make it easy to toss a coin anywhere, anytime, as many times as you like. Unlike coin tosses that use actual coins, you will no longer have the situation where the tossed coin flies off in an unexpected direction and is lost. Life is a series of decisions. It is no exaggeration to say that the present is the result of the decisions we have made up to now. However, too many decisions can be exhausting. There are situations in which decisions are demanded unnecessarily, such as "I don't care either way, but I have to make a decision. Other times, the discussion may


CoinTossy is a free educational mobile app By Makoto Ohnami.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download CoinTossy but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Makoto Ohnami

Developer URL:

Software Version: 1.0.4

Category: Games

Release Date: 2023-08-24T07:00:00Z


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