Distance Speed Time Calculator - Lumos Educational App Store

Distance Speed Time Calculator

Distance Speed Time Calculator - By Rocket Splash Games

Price - $$0.99


This app can automatically calculate Distance, Speed or Time based on having the other two values. Calculate the speed you are travelling, the distance you will travel or the time remaining until you reach your destination. "Are we there yet?"... get them to find out on their own! Simple yet elegant. Easy to use and swap to each different calculation. • To calculate the DISTANCE you will travel, simplu enter your speed and time. • To calculate the SPEED you of travel, simply enter the distance and time. • To calculate the TIME remaining until you reach your destination, simply ente


Distance Speed Time Calculator is a free educational mobile app By Rocket Splash Games.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Distance Speed Time Calculator but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Rocket Splash Games

Developer URL: https://www.rocketsplashgames.com

Software Version: 3.1

Category: Utilities

Release Date: 2012-04-04T13:48:07Z


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