Unit Conversion - Converter and Calculator - Lumos Educational App Store

Unit Conversion - Converter and Calculator

Unit Conversion - Converter and Calculator - By Fapps World et Cie S.E.C.S.

Price - $$0.99


This application offers quick and easy conversion of units. 16 different unit categories are supported, like temparature, currency, distance, weight, volume, ... In addition the app offers a calculator. You don't have to switch any more between conversion and calculation apps. There are even two calculators included, a standard and a scientific one. Units are sorted by frequency of usage, the units used most often show up on top of the list. No need to scroll anymore to find your favorite units. Programmable buttons make it possible to access your favorite conversion units even faster. All fun


Unit Conversion - Converter and Calculator is a free educational mobile app By Fapps World et Cie S.E.C.S..It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Unit Conversion - Converter and Calculator but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Fapps World et Cie S.E.C.S.

Developer URL: http://www.fappsworld.com

Software Version: 1.9

Category: Utilities

Release Date: 2009-10-30T05:14:35Z


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