Unit & Currency Converter - Lumos Educational App Store

Unit & Currency Converter

Unit & Currency Converter - By Nikolay Khotenko

Price - $Free


Convert units quickly and seamlessly. In-app purchase option is only for live currency rate conversions. All other units are free. It works offline, input can be fractions, basic math functions, you can pick output number format (decimal places), create favourites. There is no need to pick unit categories - just start typing the unit you want. Include conversion to fractional inches with ability to select accuracy (1/8, 1/16 etc). For example 35.235 cm -> 13 7/8" or 13 28/32" depending on the level of precision chosen. Include conversion from "feet inches" and to "feet-inches". For exampl


Unit & Currency Converter is a free educational mobile app By Nikolay Khotenko.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Unit & Currency Converter but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Nikolay Khotenko

Developer URL: https://units0.web.app/

Software Version: 4.2

Category: Utilities

Release Date: 2021-11-08T08:00:00Z


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