Diver's Dashboard - Lumos Educational App Store

Diver's Dashboard

Diver's Dashboard - By DASH & SIM PTY LTD



The Diver's Dashboard - The greatest technology revolution in diving, ever. Create your Universal "C" card, join all your buddies on trips, log and plan all your dives, book diving programs, register your equipment requirements and ownership, plus status. Post your photos, chat and share and like and care. Become part of the largest group of divers in the world. Our Dash app is so easy to sign up for, and keep records of all your diving heritage, achievements, locations and travel, plus divers names and what you did, with who and what certifications, where, forever. With quick links to all o


Diver's Dashboard is a free educational mobile app By DASH & SIM PTY LTD.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Diver's Dashboard but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: DASH & SIM PTY LTD

Developer URL: NA

Software Version: 2.0.4

Category: Sports

Release Date: 2022-12-14T08:00:00Z


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