Trunk Train Termites - Lumos Educational App Store

Trunk Train Termites

Trunk Train Termites - By Copa Studio



Strategy/puzzle game based on the Trunk Train animated series.   The action unfolds inside the termites’ train, where the Queen, the Captain, and Junior Termite must fend off the ant army’s invasion, led by the devious Formikhan. The Queen will need to strategically deploy her termites and maximize their individual skills, creating routes to avoid the ants’ traps and keep her colony safe. Defeating the ants, saving the colony… yeah, looks like a rough day ahead for the Queen and the Trunk Train Termites!


Trunk Train Termites is a free educational mobile app By Copa Studio.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Trunk Train Termites but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Copa Studio

Developer URL:

Software Version: 1.0

Category: Games

Release Date: 2021-06-29T07:00:00Z


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