Teachley Fact Flyer EDU - Lumos Educational App Store

Teachley Fact Flyer EDU

Teachley Fact Flyer EDU - By Teachley

Price - $Free


Use your premium Teachley account login to unlock the app. Developed by teachers and educational researchers, Fact Flyer provides children with helpful scaffolds, allowing them to see the relationship between multiplication and division and apply strategies learned in other Teachley apps in a fun and engaging game. A follow-up to the app, Mt. Multiplis, children continue their expedition with Linka by helping her solve multiplication and division problems to advance through the map and return home. Built-in scaffolds provide children with helpful hints, helping them apply strategies learn


Teachley Fact Flyer EDU is a free educational mobile app By Teachley.It helps students practice the following standards .

This page not only allows students and teachers download Teachley Fact Flyer EDU but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.


Developer: Teachley

Developer URL: http://www.teachley.com

Software Version: 1.3

Category: Education

Release Date: 2016-10-04T03:10:15Z


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