Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

There are four types of tissues that are created as cells join together and work as a group. Each type of tissue has a unique structure and does a specific job. Muscle tissue is made up of long, narrow muscle cells. Muscle tissue makes the body parts move by tightening and relaxing. Connective tissue is what holds up the body and connects its parts together. The bone is made up of connective tissue. Nerve tissue is made up of long nerve cells that go through the body and carry messages. Epithelial tissue is made of wide, flat epithelial cells. This tissue lines the surfaces inside the body and forms the outer layer of the skin. Groups of tissue join together to form the organs in the body such as the heart, liver, lungs, brain, and kidneys just to name a few. Then these organs work together to form the body systems. Each system works together and with the other systems of the body.

How does the chart help the reader understand the functions of each of the four types of tissues?

There are four types of tissues that are created as cells join together and work as a group. Each type of tissue has a unique structure and does a specific job. Muscle tissue is made up of long, narrow muscle cells. Muscle tissue makes the body parts move by tightening and relaxing. Connective tissue is what holds up the body and connects its parts together. The bone is made up of connective tissue. Nerve tissue is made up of long nerve cells that go through the body and carry messages. Epithelial tissue is made of wide, flat epithelial cells. This tissue lines the surfaces inside the body and forms the outer layer of the skin. Groups of tissue join together to form the organs in the body such as the heart, liver, lungs, brain, and kidneys just to name a few. Then these organs work together to form the body systems. Each system works together and with the other systems of the body.

Which types of tissue have similarly shaped cells?

Most people think of koalas as koala bears, but they are not bears. They are really marsupials and are in the same family as the wombat. Koalas live in a special place called a eucalyptus forest. They can be found in eastern and southeastern Australia. Adult koalas are one of only three animals that can live on a diet of eucalyptus leaves. These leaves contain 50% water. The eucalyptus leaves are mostly the main source of water for koalas.
The koala is a marsupial which means the baby crawls into a pocket, called a pouch, on the mother’s tummy as soon as it is born. Baby koalas are called “joeys.” When they are born, they cannot see, have no hair, and are less than one inch long. They stay in their mother’s pouch for the next six months. First the mother feeds them milk. Then she feeds them a food called “pap” in addition to milk. Joeys continue to drink the mother’s milk until they are a year old. The young koala will remain with its mother until another joey is born and comes into the pouch.
Which picture or illustration would not help the reader understand the above text and should not be included?

Reading: Informational Text (RI.4.7)