4GMAT Diagnostic Test Q19 - Problem Solving - Ratio Word Problem - Best PowerPoint Presentation | Lumos Learning

4GMAT Diagnostic Test Q19 - Problem Solving - Ratio Word Problem

- By 4gmatprep


4GMAT Diagnostic Test Q19 - Problem Solving - Ratio Word Problem is related to Grade 6 and focuses on standards 6.RP.3. This Lumos presentation viewer page not only allows you to view and download 4GMAT Diagnostic Test Q19 - Problem Solving - Ratio Word Problem but also view questions, videos, apps, books and other resources related to 6.RP.3.

4GMAT Diagnostic Test Q19 - Problem Solving - Ratio Word Problem is related to Grade 6 and focuses on standards 6.RP.A.3. This Lumos presentation viewer page not only allows you to view and download 4GMAT Diagnostic Test Q19 - Problem Solving - Ratio Word Problem but also view questions, videos, apps, books and other resources related to 6.RP.A.3.


This one is a problem solving question. A word problem in ratios. The ratio of apples to oranges in a shop is 10 : 7. If the shop receives 50 more apples and 25 more oranges, the ratio of apples to oranges will be 3 : 2. How many more apples does the shop have now? A) 25 B) 75 C) 300 D) 175 E) 250






Created: 2015-04-12 23:57:52 UTC

Views: 731

Slides: 21

Last Updated: 2015-04-13 00:02:32 UTC

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