Whole numbers and fractions - Best PowerPoint Presentation | Lumos Learning

Whole numbers and fractions

- By orlandomoreno


Whole numbers and fractions is related to Grade 3 and focuses on standards 3.NF.1. This Lumos presentation viewer page not only allows you to view and download Whole numbers and fractions but also view questions, videos, apps, books and other resources related to 3.NF.1.

Whole numbers and fractions is related to Grade 3 and focuses on standards 3.NF.A.1. This Lumos presentation viewer page not only allows you to view and download Whole numbers and fractions but also view questions, videos, apps, books and other resources related to 3.NF.A.1.


Identify whole numbers and demonstrate how to work with them mathematically. Identify different whole numbers and their place values. Demonstrate the ability to add and subtract whole numbers. Demonstrate the ability to multiply and divide whole numbers. Explain how to work with fractions. Define equivalent fractions and show how to find lowest common denominators. Describe improper fractions and demonstrate how to change an improper fraction to a mixed number. Demonstrate the ability to add and subtract fractions. Demonstrate the ability to multiply and divide fractions.






Created: 2017-03-24 19:51:42 UTC

Views: 141

Slides: 26

Last Updated: 2017-03-24 19:52:34 UTC

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