3rd Grade Make Your Ideas Clearer - Worksheet & Printable

Connor is writing a paragraph explaining why he doesn't like playing soccer.

He is going on including these two reasons in his paragraph:

1) Soccer players get hurt.

2) Players have to run a lot during the game.

He needs a third reason for why he dislikes soccer. Which of the following reasons could he use?


It is often too cold outside to play soccer.


Soccer games are exciting.


There is no soccer team in my town.


None of my friends like to play soccer.

Standard: W.3.2

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

Iris is writing a paragraph about why she loves snow days. Which of the following reasons would she NOT want to include in this paragraph?


Students miss out on important information when school is canceled.


Children get to go sledding all day on snow days.


Children can sleep in late on snow days.


Teachers don't assign homework on snow days.

Standard: W.3.2

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

James is writing a paragraph explaining why he liked a book called Rushing to the Moon.

He is planning on including these two reasons in his paragraph:

1) The book was very exciting.

2) The main character, Biko, reminds me of my favorite uncle.

He needs a third reason for why he liked the book. Which of the following could he use?


The ending of the book is confusing.


The cover of the book looks scary.


I hated Biko's best friend, Mireno.


At the end of the story, I wanted to read more.

Standard: W.3.2

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

Becca is writing a letter to her mother. She wants her mother to buy her a new computer. What detail should she put in her letter to make her mother want to buy her the computer?


I can do my homework on the computer.


I can waste time playing games on the computer.


Computers are very expensive.


I don't know how to use a computer.

Standard: W.3.2

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

Matt is writing a letter to his school principal asking him to have the school cafeteria make pizza every Friday. What detail should he include in the letter to get the principal to agree?


Kids hate pizza.


Everyone in the school loves pizza.


Pizza is junk food.


Our cafeteria's pizza does not taste good.

Standard: W.3.2

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.


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