Subtract 3-Digit Numbers Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Subtract 3-Digit Numbers. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Subtract 3-Digit Numbers.

Subtracting 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) | 2nd grade | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Sal shows how to subtract 357-251 with place value.

Dividing Integers |


This lesson covers basic subtraction in the form of subtracting whole numbers. Students learn to subtract numbers with two or more digits, such as 985 - 47. The first step is to line up the numbers vertically so that the units digits are in the same column. Next, subtract the units digits, the tens digits, and the hundreds digits. When subtracting the units digits, notice that it is not possible to subtract 7 ones from 5 ones, so 1 ten must be borrowed from the tens column, leaving 7 tens and 15 ones. Now, subtracting the units digits, 15 - 7 = 8, subtracting the tens digits, 7 - 4 = 3, and subtracting the hundreds digits, 9 - 0 = 9. So 985 - 47 = 938. Note that the answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference, so the difference of 985 - 47 is 938.

Subtracting: three digit numbers and basic regrouping

By Khan Academy

Subtracting multi-digit numbers can be a little confusing when the top digits are smaller than the bottom ones. Let's look at regrouping together. It will help!

Subtracting: three digit numbers and regrouping

By Khan Academy

When we don't have enough of something, we sometimes borrow it. Same in math! When there aren't enough tens (or hundreds, etc) to subtract with, we can borrow (also called regrouping).

Total seats in a theater | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

Marbles for friends | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step estimation word problem.

Running distance in a week | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

How many truffle eating guests attended a party

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

Understanding fractions as division

By Khan Academy

Understand 3/2 on the number line by thinking about it as a mixed number.

Understanding fractions as division

By Khan Academy

Understand the relationship between fractions, division, and mixed numbers.

Understanding fractions as division

By Khan Academy

Learn how 3 ������������ 2 is the same as 3 ��������������������� 1/2, which is the same as 3/2.

Subtracting two- and three-digit numbers (no regrouping)

By Khan Academy

Sal shows how to subtract 357 - 251.

Subtracting two-digit numbers (no regrouping)

By Khan Academy

Learn how to subtract 23 from 65 by thinking about tens and ones.

Subtracting two-digit numbers (no regrouping)

By Khan Academy

Learn how to subtract 31 from 64 by thinking about tens and ones.

Subtracting two- and three-digit numbers (no regrouping)

By Khan Academy

Learn how to subtract three-digit numbers by subtracting ones, tens, and hundreds.