Dividing Integers | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Dividing Integers | MathHelp.com - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Dividing Integers | MathHelp.com - By MathHelp.com

00:0-1 Here we are asked to divide 15 by -3 when
00:04 dividing integers . If the signs are different , the
00:07 question is negative , so a positive divided by a
00:11 negative is always negative , Therefore positive 15 divided by
00:16 -3 is -5 .


This lesson covers basic subtraction in the form of subtracting whole numbers. Students learn to subtract numbers with two or more digits, such as 985 - 47. The first step is to line up the numbers vertically so that the units digits are in the same column. Next, subtract the units digits, the tens digits, and the hundreds digits. When subtracting the units digits, notice that it is not possible to subtract 7 ones from 5 ones, so 1 ten must be borrowed from the tens column, leaving 7 tens and 15 ones. Now, subtracting the units digits, 15 - 7 = 8, subtracting the tens digits, 7 - 4 = 3, and subtracting the hundreds digits, 9 - 0 = 9. So 985 - 47 = 938. Note that the answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference, so the difference of 985 - 47 is 938.


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