The Doppler Effect - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Doppler Effect - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The Doppler Effect - By MITK12Videos

00:08 imagine you're standing by the side of the road when
00:10 a fast sports cars drive by man makes you sound
00:17 kind of like that . So the sound is higher
00:19 as it's coming towards you and it's lower , it's
00:21 moving away from . So there's some interesting interaction between
00:24 sound and motion , which we call the Doppler effect
00:27 . The first thing we need to understand is sound
00:30 . Now , sound is actually just a bunch of
00:32 pulses being sent through the air and you can feel
00:34 that really easily . Just go like this . So
00:41 make that funny noise , josh is sending air through
00:43 his lips which are then bouncing off each other at
00:46 some rate . If you look closely you can see
00:48 it , you can also hear the sound of he's
00:49 making now . If you squeeze your lips together tighter
00:53 , then they bounce against each other faster like this
00:57 . Mhm . And as they're bouncing faster , A
01:00 faster rate of vibration means that the pitch you here
01:03 is higher . So how does motion come into this
01:05 ? Well , imagine that your friend is standing over
01:08 here throwing snowballs at you one by one now ,
01:11 which would you rather have your friend just standing there
01:13 throwing snowballs at you or running towards you throwing snowballs
01:17 ? You it at the same rate . So even
01:19 if he's throwing the snowballs at the same rate ,
01:21 you receive more of them . If he's coming towards
01:23 you and if your friends running away from you throwing
01:26 the balls , you're even happier because you'll get hit
01:28 less and less often . So this same phenomenon happens
01:32 with sound . People had discovered this theoretically , but
01:36 there's no really easy way to test this because back
01:38 in the 18 hundreds , there weren't any fast cars
01:41 to just drive value and you didn't , you didn't
01:43 have this happened to us every day , but in
01:46 18 40 it never happened until railroads were being built
01:50 . There was a new train line from neutral to
01:52 Amsterdam . And so this guy buys ballot , decided
01:56 to test this idea about sound by putting a bunch
01:59 of trumpet players on a train . So what that
02:02 does is that they play a certain pitch while they're
02:05 riding on the train . That's guaranteed to be the
02:07 same pitch the whole train ride . And you can
02:09 put somebody on the ground and listen as the train
02:11 goes by and hear the pitch shift . Now we
02:14 still have trumpets Like this one . Gosh , plays
02:17 the Trumpet . But instead of using a train ,
02:21 we're gonna use a car first , we'll ride with
02:25 the trumpet to see how it sounds . Yeah ,
02:52 now we'll listen to the trumpet as it drives by
02:56 . Mm . Mhm . Mhm . Yeah . Yeah
03:10 . Mhm . Yeah . Finally let's hear the constant
03:16 pitch emitted by the trumpet together with the Doppler shift
03:20 heard from the roadside . Uh huh . So ,
03:40 one interesting thing to notice happens from our experimental setup
03:43 . So here's the road the car was driving by
03:48 here and we were standing very close to the road
03:50 right there . So what we heard is a pitch
03:52 shift that happened very fast like this . Yeah ,
03:57 so the pictures only changing in this area right here
04:00 . Now , if you're standing a little farther away
04:02 from the road , we would hear the pitch change
04:04 having much more gradually like this , it would start
04:09 and end at the same pitches , but the change
04:11 would happen over a much longer period of time .
04:13 The other really interesting thing about the Doppler effect is
04:16 that it works for light to and in fact that
04:19 was doctors original motivation for studying this , this effect
04:22 and with light instead of the pitch changing , the
04:26 color changes . And the Doppler effect is called the
04:29 red shift often . And the red shift is the
04:33 reason we know that the universe is expanding . Check
04:36 that out



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