Earth's Tilt 2: Land of the Midnight Sun - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Earth's Tilt 2: Land of the Midnight Sun - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Earth's Tilt 2: Land of the Midnight Sun - By MITK12Videos

00:07 imagine that you live in North America and one day
00:10 you can call up your friend in Norway up by
00:12 the North Pole , you guys are talking and you
00:14 make plans to go visit him next summer . So
00:17 any time next summer works for you , yep .
00:21 Any time is good for me . Okay , how
00:25 about june that summer for you ? Right of course
00:29 in a few months june rolls around and you hop
00:32 on a plane for your Norwegian vacation . You guys
00:35 are hanging out one night when he says mhm I
00:40 think I'm going to head to bed and you say
00:43 come on man the sun is still up , you
00:46 can't go to sleep and your friends like but it's
00:49 midnight . What ? I don't get this . Why
00:52 is the sun is still up in the middle of
00:54 the night here in Norway ? That's a great question
00:58 . I think we can help you out with that
01:03 . If we take a look at the Earth's orbit
01:05 from the side , we see that the Earth revolves
01:07 around the sun in this orbital plane once every year
01:10 . Remember that Earth is tilted at an angle of
01:12 23.5 degrees and it's rotating on its axis once every
01:15 day . At this point in the Earth's revolution ,
01:20 the southern hemisphere is at its maximum inclination towards the
01:23 sun . This is called the december solstice . At
01:28 this point in the Earth's revolution , the northern hemisphere
01:31 is at its maximum inclination towards the sun . This
01:34 is called the june solstice . Let's put a line
01:37 through the Earth that's perpendicular to the orbital plane .
01:40 We know that this angle here is 23.5 degrees .
01:43 That means that this angle here between our vertical line
01:46 and the equator is 90 minus 22.5 degrees . That's
01:50 66.5 degrees . We can draw a circle around the
01:54 Earth at the point where the line perpendicular to the
01:56 orbital plane touches the Earth's surface . This circle is
01:59 66.5 degrees of latitude north of the equator . Wait
02:03 latitude , what's that latitude is a measure of how
02:06 far north or south you are from the Earth's equator
02:09 . If you're zero degrees , then you're right here
02:11 on the equator . If you're 90 degrees north or
02:14 south , you're on one of the polls and if
02:18 you're 66.5 degrees north , like we just talked about
02:22 , you're at what's called the arctic circle , we
02:24 can do the same thing on the southern hemisphere .
02:26 We draw a circle at 66.5 degrees south . This
02:30 is called the antarctic circle . Okay , but how
02:33 does that keep the sun from setting during the summer
02:36 ? In Norway ? I think it's best if we
02:38 explain this through an experiment here , we have a
02:41 globe of the Earth Tilted at about 23.5° and we're
02:45 using a flashlight to simulate the Sun . Were wondering
02:48 about summer in Norway . So we have the northern
02:50 hemisphere tilted towards our flashlight , son . Mm I
02:54 don't think that flashlight is powerful enough for this experiment
02:59 . Yeah . There we go . We can see
03:03 that the half of the Earth that's facing the sun
03:06 is lit up . It's daytime on this half and
03:08 nighttime . On the other half . We'll put a
03:11 little flag here on the northern part of Norway which
03:13 is above the arctic circle . And we'll put another
03:16 little flag here in the U . S . Which
03:18 is below the arctic circle . If we start rotating
03:20 the globe , we see that there's a point where
03:22 the sun is no longer shining on the U .
03:24 S . We experience this is sunset . However the
03:28 sun continues to shine on Norway , it's so far
03:31 north that it's always in sunlight . Oh awesome !
03:36 That's so cool . 24 hours of sunlight . So
03:40 much time for fun stuff , skiing , hiking ,
03:44 mini golf . Not in the winter . What do
03:47 you mean ? Let's take a look at Norway .
03:49 In the winter . During this season the northern hemisphere
03:53 is tilted away from the sun . So if we
03:55 rotate the earth we see that the U . S
03:57 . Is in periods of sun , light and darkness
03:59 but we can't see the Norwegian flag at all .
04:02 That means 24 hours of darkness . Sad but true
04:09 . Oh man that stinks . It sure does .
04:13 The same thing happens between the antarctic circle and the
04:16 south Pole too . During their summer they have 24
04:19 hours of sunlight and during their winter they have 24
04:22 hours of darkness . That's crazy . Even if you
04:25 don't live far north or south , the tilt of
04:28 the earth still affects the length of the day .
04:30 If it's the june solstice , we have 24 hours
04:32 of sunlight here above the arctic circle , And 24
04:36 hours of darkness here below the Antarctic Circle . Uh
04:40 so if we were to go a little south to
04:43 the US between the equator and the Arctic Circle ,
04:46 how many hours of daylight do you think we'll have
04:49 less than 24 ? Right ? It's the longest day
04:52 of the year in the northern hemisphere . If we
04:54 continue south until we get to the equator halfway between
04:57 the poles here , we have 12 hours of light
05:00 and 12 hours of darkness . If we go even
05:03 further south to Australia between the equator and the Antarctic
05:07 Circle , how many hours of daylight ? What we
05:09 have ? Less than 12 exactly . This is the
05:14 shortest day of the year in the southern hemisphere .
05:18 The effect is reversed during the December Solstice . There's
05:21 more than 12 hours of daylight below the equator in
05:24 less than 12 hours of daylight above it . So
05:27 now you know how the tilt of the earth causes
05:29 both the seasons and the length of the day to
05:31 change . So it's the tilt of the earth that
05:33 gives us longer days and summer and shorter days in
05:36 winter . Right , awesome . I think it's time
05:41 . It's a celebratory summer . Midnight minigolf , Right
05:44 , partly . Uh yeah , partly for you a
05:51 week .



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