Electri-fried Circuits - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Electri-fried Circuits - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Electri-fried Circuits - By MITK12Videos

00:07 my mom told me to always stay away from power
00:10 lines . But whatever , look , I'm perfectly safe
00:14 . Hey , look , there's my friend , Hey
00:17 , what's up ? What do they seem to have
00:25 in common ? They use electricity . And what about
00:29 these ? That's right . Electricity People and animals use
00:34 electricity to control our bodies . We need two things
00:38 for electricity to flow . A voltage difference and a
00:41 closed loop for a voltage difference . If you have
00:46 a high voltage point and a low voltage point ,
00:49 then electricity can go between them . However , if
00:54 there is no voltage difference , then no electricity will
00:56 flow . Usually we achieve a voltage difference using a
01:00 power source such as the power you get from the
01:03 electrical outlet in your health . Other devices are powered
01:07 by batteries Like this . Nice green laser pointer .
01:11 If I take away its source of power , then
01:14 it doesn't work anymore . Here's the battery , which
01:16 looks pretty big , but if you look closely ,
01:19 it's rated for 1.5 votes the same as a regular
01:22 double a battery . Let's connect a motor and make
01:24 a circuit . Mhm . It spins just as we
01:30 might expect . Look at this guy , it's a
01:32 nine volt battery . It can provide more power .
01:35 So when I hook up the motor , that's fine
01:38 . A lot faster . Now , let's look at
01:40 the second criteria for circuit . Here are some examples
01:44 of open loops and closed loops . Electricity is always
01:48 looking for a closed loop connecting only when another motor
01:51 doesn't give us a closed loop . Mm . Okay
01:56 , so what about this ? Closed loop doesn't work
01:59 because the two wires are at the same potential electricity
02:03 is the movement of tiny particles called electrons . No
02:06 car is silly enough to drive to a dead end
02:09 . Now , some will take a scenic detour .
02:12 Can we build circuits with things other than wire ?
02:14 Let's try it with this ribbon , nope , it
02:18 doesn't work . We can use a multi meter to
02:21 measure the resistance of the ribbon , which tells us
02:24 how well it conducts electricity . The OL means that
02:28 the resistance is too high for the meter to measure
02:33 how about the lead from a mechanical pencil ? Wow
02:40 , that actually worked Our handy multi meter measures a
02:43 resistance lower than that other ribbon . Let's play around
02:47 and test it with the shoelace , nope , and
02:52 with a knife , a stovetop with a kick on
02:54 it . When something has less resistance , it's like
03:00 making the trek wider and letting more cars go around
03:05 . Taking my pencil and drawing three rectangles of different
03:09 sizes . Now to measure their resistance is The first
03:14 one is about 5.6 kg Longer . one is about
03:18 25 . Only crowd the middle for yourself . We
03:23 can also see that my finger has a measurable resistance
03:28 . What about water ? This is pure de ionized
03:31 water that you get from the lab . If we
03:33 try to make our circuit through the water , we
03:36 see that nothing happens . Pure water isn't a very
03:39 good conductor . Let's jump . And a bunch of
03:43 songs . I wouldn't drink that if I were you
03:48 . Please don't try this without adult supervision . When
03:53 we make the same circuit as before , tap water
03:58 has all sorts of stuff in it . So you
04:00 want to keep hair drives away from the bathtub is
04:02 not only robots use electricity , but people do to
04:05 have too much electricity goes through you , then you're
04:08 going to have a bad time . Okay ? But
04:10 how does this relate to the birds ? Say your
04:12 battery's the power plant and our motor is the health
04:15 . We'll connect them with our high voltage power line
04:17 and our low voltage power line . We'll use the
04:22 light to represent our bird . The bird is safe
04:27 when only touching one wire when it touches both .
04:35 Normally , the electricity looks around through the two wires
04:40 . When the bird touches both wires , hey ,
04:42 look , time for a detour . What do you
04:45 think happens with the burden on top fire ? I
04:50 will keep this in mind the next time I hang
04:51 on around power lines . Yeah .



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