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Shifts in Equilibrium - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Shifts in Equilibrium - By MITK12Videos

00:12 equilibrium is a balanced state that stays balanced unless something
00:16 knocks it out of balance . Mhm . Sometimes it's
00:22 pretty clear that you're watching a movie in reverse ,
00:29 but we can tell now that time is back to
00:31 normal driving systems into equilibrium equilibrium comes from latin words
00:36 for equal and balance at equilibrium , opposing forces are
00:40 equal , balance each other out and guarantee that these
00:43 balls will stay where they are almost anywhere . I
00:46 throw the balls , they settle into this one lowest
00:48 valley and they won't escape the valley , gravity is
00:51 pulling them down to the point with the lowest potential
00:54 energy . At high points , they will have high
00:56 potential energy from gravity and will use this energy to
00:59 move towards the lower energy valleys . It's the lowest
01:02 valley , but it's not the only place . The
01:04 balls might settle . Some balls never make it to
01:07 the lowest point . Instead they settle in a different
01:11 valley in this corner . What's so special about these
01:14 places , Each of these valleys is a stable equilibrium
01:19 . Now , all attempts to change with the balls
01:21 land , I'll shift the landscape which will change the
01:24 delivery . Um There's a new lowest point and the
01:27 old lowest point is one of the highest points .
01:29 Now in this new configuration , they settle in a
01:32 different equilibrium . I've successfully shifted where the equilibrium lies
01:37 . This type of equilibrium , where nothing moves is
01:40 a static equilibrium . All the parts of the system
01:43 are motionless , static and the forces are balanced in
01:46 equilibrium . But sometimes even when opposing forces balance each
01:51 other , small parts of the system still move in
01:54 dynamic equilibrium . The state of the system is the
01:57 average of its parts . The average state can stay
02:00 the same . Even if small parts change . For
02:04 example , an individual coin can either be up and
02:07 spinning or down . The state of the system is
02:12 how many coins are up . I can spin coins
02:16 so that three coins are spinning at once as soon
02:18 as I spin up another one friction knocks down one
02:21 of the ones that was already spinning . So even
02:24 though individual coins are changing from spinning to not spinning
02:28 or from not spinning to spinning the overall state of
02:32 the system , How many coins are up ? three
02:36 stays the same , that's why we call it equilibrium
02:40 . How do I shift this kind of equilibrium ?
02:42 I can either change the rate that the table slows
02:45 them down or change the rate that I spend them
02:47 up . I enlisted my sister's help because together we
02:50 can spin coins up at a faster rate than me
02:52 alone turns out that together we can spend fast enough
02:56 for a dynamic equilibrium of about five coins up at
02:59 a time we've successfully shifted the equilibrium of the system
03:03 . So how is this actually working ? My sister
03:06 Claire and I can spin coins up faster than I
03:09 could alone . To balance this friction needs to knock
03:14 coins down faster too . This happens when friction has
03:18 more spinning coins on the table to knock down .
03:21 So the new equilibrium happens when there are five coins
03:25 up and the rest are down At five coins up
03:29 , Clara and I can spin up a coin at
03:32 the same rate that it takes friction To knock one
03:35 down . So we're left at a stable dynamic equilibrium
03:39 of five coins up as time runs forward were driven
03:44 towards equilibrium where opposing forces are balanced and opposing rates
03:49 are equal , but we can shift where the equilibrium
03:51 lie either by adjusting the rates at which individual objects
03:55 which state , or by changing the landscape .



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