Entropy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Entropy - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Entropy - By MITK12Videos

00:12 mm . Have you ever noticed that your room only
00:17 gets messier over time ? Well , guess what ?
00:21 Everything in the universe works the same way . Things
00:23 only tend to get more disordered on their own .
00:26 For instance , let's look at this video . Can
00:28 you tell which side is played forward and which is
00:30 played backward ? Oh yeah , that's easy . The
00:33 balloon is exploding . But did you realize that things
00:35 got more disordered during the process ? The molecules of
00:38 water went from a nicely organized balloon shape to random
00:41 droplets flying out in every direction . And how about
00:44 this one ? Which one is played forward ? The
00:46 right one ? Everybody knows that orange juice doesn't assemble
00:49 itself back into the pulp of an orange . All
00:51 right . How about this last example then a chemical
00:54 reaction involving three gases , nitrogen , hydrogen and pneumonia
00:58 . Uh , this one is harder on hydrogen and
01:00 hydrogen going to form ammonia or ammonia going to separate
01:03 into hydrogen and nitrogen . Well , this one is
01:06 not so obvious , but there is something that can
01:08 give us the answer to these three situations . The
01:11 reactions resulted in increased disorder and in physics we use
01:14 the notion of entropy to represent the fact that things
01:16 tend to get more disordered over time . To put
01:19 it simply entropy is a measure of disorder . But
01:22 what do we mean exactly by disorder ? Let's consider
01:25 this free days being randomly shaken . And let's look
01:27 at the some of the numbers on the dice .
01:30 For example , if we visit right now , the
01:32 sum is four plus 37 plus 5 , 12 .
01:35 We will call that the state of the system and
01:38 we'll use it to illustrate the notion of order .
01:40 For example , if the free day is also one
01:43 , then the state is free . Note that there
01:45 is only one way to obtain the state . Old
01:48 ice must be showing one by comparison . There are
01:51 three possibilities to get into ST four . This state
01:54 has less orders and state free because the dice could
01:57 be in any of these combinations . And the state
01:59 was still before . Now there are six combinations of
02:03 the dice that result in the state five . This
02:06 state has less older than the previous state because the
02:08 dice could be in any of these six options and
02:10 the state would still be five . This example illustrates
02:13 the notion of disorder . The more possibilities there are
02:16 forgiven state and the more disordered the state is here's
02:20 a plot that shows the number of combinations as a
02:22 function of the state , The maximum for 10 and
02:25 11 , which can each be achieved through 27 possible
02:28 combinations . For example , this shows all the combinations
02:32 that result in the state 10 . This is the
02:35 state of highest disorder . Okay , so why is
02:38 it useful Because it tells us how our experiment is
02:42 more likely to evolve . In fact , as the
02:44 days change randomly , they're more likely to produce the
02:47 10 or 11 than a free on 18 because 10
02:50 or 11 are much more disordered states . You can
02:53 see here that the state jumps a lot , but
02:55 that's because we're only using three dies . Now .
02:58 If you imagine that we have 100 of these days
03:01 , starting from the situation where the also wants ,
03:03 then this is how the state would evolve . The
03:06 dies quickly moved away from this very older state .
03:09 And over time the system naturally evolves towards the state
03:12 of highest disorder . Now , let's take a second
03:15 look at the analogy with the tidiness of your room
03:18 . The ordered state is the state in which every
03:20 object is in its correct location . For each object
03:23 . That is not the correct location . The room
03:25 is more disordered , just like our dice . There
03:27 are a lot of configurations in which the room would
03:29 be as disordered are equally messy . This would be
03:32 the state of highest disorder , and over time the
03:35 room naturally tense at the state of highest disorder .
03:38 Finally , let's see a practical example where entropy helps
03:40 us understand the direction of a reaction . If you
03:43 put some ice into a glass of water and leave
03:45 it to sit , all the ice will melt ,
03:46 of course , you know this because the water is
03:48 warmer than the ice , but what exactly is happening
03:51 at the molecular level ? The molecules in an ice
03:53 keeper , tightly packed together into a highly ordered lattice
03:56 molecules inside a solid do move around , but not
03:58 very much . This is why the ISIS . Cold
04:01 water is a liquid and has a higher entropy molecules
04:04 in the liquid move around a lot more freely ,
04:06 which is what allows liquids to flow . Water molecules
04:09 bounce off the ice molecules given them energy and the
04:12 ice begins to mount colder water has a much higher
04:15 entropy than the warm water with ice , Although technically
04:18 nothing physically prevents all the molecules from spontaneously forming an
04:21 ice cube at the molecular level . This does not
04:23 happen because of anxiety , just like our dice ,
04:26 there are many more ways for H20 molecules to arrange
04:28 themselves in a glass of water than for the same
04:30 molecules to arrange themselves into an ice cube . This
04:33 is why heat always flows from a hot body to
04:35 a colder body . So now you can appreciate how
04:38 entropy informs us about the evolution of physical processes .
04:41 Entropy is a fundamental notion in science because it is
04:44 central pillar in firmer dynamics , which allows us to
04:47 understand everything from air conditioners to jet engines . In
04:51 fact , entropy helps us to understand the universe at
04:53 all levels . From a simple system of three dice
04:56 to billions of stars and Galaxies , entropy gives us
04:59 the direction of the hour of time . No matter
05:01 what we're observing , we can be almost certain that
05:03 the entropy of the universe is increasing . Yeah .



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