Floating and Sinking: A Fish Full of Folly - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Floating and Sinking: A Fish Full of Folly - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Floating and Sinking: A Fish Full of Folly - By MITK12Videos

00:16 I love my face , but wait , what ?
00:20 What's up with my fish ? Uh It seems to
00:25 be swimming all day but it won't go down ,
00:29 not even if I push it and hey , what
00:34 , What's up with that 1 ? It seems to
00:37 be stuck down at the bottom , even if I
00:40 lifted up , it falls straight down . This one
00:44 stuck at the bottom and That one stuck at the
00:48 top . Dude , what's up with my fish ?
00:53 Maybe I need to learn something about sinking and floating
00:57 . Hey heaven can you help me out today ?
01:01 We're gonna learn about how some objects sink and some
01:04 objects float . The reason that things sink or float
01:08 depends on something called density . Density is how much
01:12 something ways it's mass compared to its volume , how
01:16 much space it takes up . So let's look at
01:18 some examples here we have three balls , they all
01:23 have the same volume , They will take up the
01:25 same amount of space , but they all have different
01:27 mass . They always something different . This one is
01:30 filled with air , this one's filled with water and
01:34 this one's filled the salt . Let's see . Let's
01:37 make sure that they all weigh differently . The one
01:41 filled with air weighs 55 g . The one filled
01:47 with water weighs 451 g . And the one filled
01:52 with salt Plays 654 g . This means these three
01:58 balls , although they have the same volume , have
02:01 different densities . So let's see what happens if we
02:04 put them in the water . The one filled with
02:10 air stays on top of the surface . It floats
02:13 . This means the density of this fall is less
02:16 than the density of the water that is sitting in
02:19 . So even if we try to force it down
02:21 below the surface , it comes right back up .
02:30 The ball that's filled with water has the same density
02:33 as the rest of the water . So what happens
02:37 is neither sinking nor floating . It stays in the
02:40 same position all the time and the one filled with
02:48 salts , although it has the same volume as the
02:50 other two has more mass and is more dense than
02:54 this water , so it sinks straight to the bottom
03:00 . As you can see some materials float and over
03:03 the sink by combining different materials . Engineers can design
03:07 vehicles , like boats and submarines that float or think
03:10 as they want . There are two basic ways of
03:13 controlling points . The first is by controlling the balance
03:16 of materials that float with those that think Places .
03:20 If I were to notice that one pen cap plus
03:24 one two , the paper clips would float , But
03:31 that one pen cap plus four paperclips would sink .
03:37 Then I could simply design a device to remove one
03:40 paper clip at the bottom , such that I could
03:43 go down with four paperclips , Move one paper clip
03:54 and go up with the paper clips . Another way
03:59 of controlling quality is to control the materials themselves .
04:03 For example , we already know that one pen cap
04:07 , plus three paper clips , will float , but
04:13 if we put it in this bottle and close the
04:15 lid , we can actually make it sink simply by
04:18 squeezing the bottle . Taking a closer look at this
04:21 experiment . You can see that the air inside the
04:24 pen cap gets squeezed too . This increases the density
04:27 of the and makes it sink , releasing the pressure
04:30 , makes it float , increasing the pressure , makes
04:33 it sink . This use an organ in the body
04:36 called a swim bladder to control their position in the
04:38 water by expanding or contracting this organ fish can float
04:42 or sink . It turns out that my fish had
04:45 a problem with their swim bladders . One was too
04:47 big and the other was too small , fortunately this
04:51 is a fairly common problem , and my vet was
04:53 able to fix it . Now . My fish and
04:56 I are happy just like before , So we've learned
05:00 some basic things about sinking and floating . But please
05:03 join us for part two , where we will explore
05:06 how engineers and scientists use this knowledge to design vehicles
05:09 and explore cool places like the ocean .



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