Why are gas giants round? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Why are gas giants round? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Why are gas giants round? - By MITK12Videos

00:01 Mhm . I m I . T . I have
00:05 a question . We were just learning about the solar
00:08 system and I have a question about our gas rights
00:11 , How come are gas giants saying this fear instead
00:15 of the gas just blowing around everywhere in space ?
00:18 Hope you answer my question . Bye . Hello .
00:23 My name is anna feeble and I'm a professor here
00:25 at M . I . T . I'm actually an
00:27 astronomer and I'm going to answer your question about space
00:31 . You ask about gas giants , so large planets
00:35 that have a gaseous atmosphere and why they are in
00:37 a sphere . It's mostly due to gravity . Gravity
00:41 acts on matter in in space , on acts on
00:45 all objects in space and it acts particularly over large
00:48 distances . So in a gas giant like jupiter ,
00:52 what's happening is that gravity pulls on all matter in
00:56 the same way that a person on earth is being
00:59 pulled to earth and that's why we're not floating in
01:02 space , but we can stand on the ground .
01:05 The same is happening in jupiter . All the gas
01:07 is just mass , It's little particles spread apart and
01:11 the gas rather than clumped together in solid matter ,
01:14 like a rock for example . So what's happening then
01:18 is gravity is pulling the material towards the center of
01:22 jupiter and there is some some gas pressure from the
01:27 atmosphere for example , or and some heat also that
01:30 acts outwards , that wants to push things away when
01:34 things get hot , they want to expand . And
01:37 uh the reason why everything stays in a sphere is
01:40 because gravity is pulling things in and this pressure from
01:45 the planet is pushing things out and it keeps everything
01:48 in a nice equilibrium . And the result of is
01:51 of that is that it is actually sphere because the
01:55 force of gravity um acts in the same way in
02:01 the same amount in all directions . So if you
02:04 sit in the middle of the planet and you have
02:06 a whole bunch of strings in your hand that are
02:08 attached to all points around you behind you in front
02:13 of you on the planet . Those strings all have
02:17 to be equal if you imagine you were sitting in
02:20 a cube and you know gravity is pulling things in
02:23 and uh the the pressure pushing things out then uh
02:29 that would actually disrupt the cube because the force is
02:35 not equal in all directions . If you if you
02:39 you have a shorter string right to the to the
02:42 flat part of the cube in front of you and
02:44 you would have a longer string , you would need
02:46 a longer string to the to the corner of the
02:48 cube . So in order to keep things stable and
02:51 nice and not floating around in space , you need
02:54 to pull in the string going to the corner until
02:58 it has the same length to the string that that
03:01 was going to to the front of the cube .
03:04 And so if you do this for for all the
03:06 points around you , you would end up sitting in
03:09 in a ball in a sphere again . And so
03:12 that that is uh , that's why why everything ,
03:15 even when it's made from gas , as long as
03:18 there's enough mess uh where gravity can act on ,
03:22 uh , is nice and contained in a big ball
00:0-1 .



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