Could you make a robot with feelings? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Could you make a robot with feelings? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Could you make a robot with feelings? - By MITK12Videos

00:01 Mhm . Hi . I'm a cemetery for MS forrest
00:05 honors class at Rich Charter Economy . My question for
00:08 M . I . T . Is could you possibly
00:10 make a robot with feelings ? Hello ask at my
00:13 tea . That was a really good question . Hi
00:19 I'm dr Gordon ? Gordon ? I'm a researcher .
00:21 The president roberts group in the media lab at MIT
00:24 . When the personal robots group and in other social
00:27 robotics group around the world are trying to make robots
00:30 that physically express emotions in how they move , how
00:33 they speak their facial expressions . We can make robots
00:37 move as if they're happy or sad . But do
00:40 they really have feelings in order to really answer this
00:43 question ? We need to think of the following steps
00:47 first . We need to define what is emotion .
00:49 To understand ? What are emotions ? This is a
00:52 very hard question which science is not fully understood until
00:55 now . What is it to be happy ? What
00:58 does it mean to be sad ? What it means
01:00 to love ? Only after we define these emotions verbally
01:04 , we can move to the next step and the
01:06 next step is to formalize this definition in a mathematical
01:09 manner to try to make a mathematical model of these
01:12 feelings . This is also a very non easy task
01:16 to formalize psychological and effective states and process is not
01:20 easy . But let's say we answer this question .
01:23 Also . The next thing is to program these mathematical
01:26 models into the robot . And once we program the
01:29 robot with these mathematical definitions of emotions , then by
01:33 definition the robot has emotions . I want to give
01:37 an example from my own research and curiosity . So
01:39 I I asked the question , can robots be curious
01:42 ? So the first thing I defined curiosity verbally .
01:44 So curiosity is the drive to learn as much as
01:47 possible and the behavior that that fulfills that drive .
01:50 So that's a verbal definition . And then I made
01:52 a mathematical model about this definition . It ended up
01:55 with some equation that actually just mean that the robot
01:58 moves in order to learn . And then I program
02:00 that model into robots and robot moved by itself ,
02:03 discovered its own hand , learn how to reach all
02:06 by itself . So by these definitions , the robot
02:08 is curious . I am becoming a celebrity . So
02:14 can we make a robot with feelings ? One another
02:17 thing to consider is that feelings are not necessarily only
02:20 human feelings . Also animals have feelings . The dog
02:23 can be happy or sad and it's the same thing
02:25 as human feelings . I don't know . Maybe robots
02:28 can have their own feelings , their own types of
02:31 feelings . Maybe we can program them to have feelings
02:34 that is not necessarily human or even animal . The
02:37 question here boils down to whether we can program robots
02:40 to behave in an emotional way and how do we
02:43 perceive them ? So to summarize everything I've said until
02:47 now , in order to actually answer the question ,
02:50 can we make robots with feeling ? We must first
02:52 understand our own feelings , other beings feeling ? And
02:55 how do we perceive these feelings ? After we understand
02:58 this and define it in a scientific way , We
03:00 can program it into robots . So do you think
03:04 they can have feelings ? Bye bye .



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