MIT Explains: How Does Virtual Reality Work? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

MIT Explains: How Does Virtual Reality Work? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

MIT Explains: How Does Virtual Reality Work? - By MITK12Videos

00:15 Mhm . As much as I wish I could say
00:25 that I'm enjoying a nice vacation at the beach .
00:29 I'm not , I'm here in boston at MIT .
00:33 So how did this little cardboard box make me feel
00:35 like I'm miles away from where ? Actually ? And
00:37 how did it create virtual reality ? Now ? If
00:41 you open this little box up , it's pretty simple
00:43 . There is a place to put your phone in
00:44 and the rest of it looked like glasses with these
00:46 two plastic lenses . Now it's this piece over here
00:49 that's crucial to making me feel like I'm inside the
00:51 video on my phone . It's what creates three D
00:54 vision . Three D vision is actually pretty simple .
00:58 We have two eyes that's about three inches apart .
01:01 And because of the separation , each of our eyes
01:03 sees the world from a slightly different perspective . Our
01:06 brain fuses those two views and creates a sense of
01:09 death . Hold out your thumb in front of you
01:11 and close your left eye . Now try closing your
01:14 right . I do you notice how your thumb jumps
01:16 a little bit to the left or right and you
01:18 switch between your eyes ? Now bring your thumb a
01:21 little bit closer to you and do the same thing
01:24 . It seems to jump even more right , depending
01:27 on how close or far you hold out your thumb
01:29 , it'll jump more or less . Our brain gets
01:32 a sense of how far an object is , depending
01:34 on how different it appears from the left versus the
01:36 right eye and that's three divisions instead of one picture
01:40 covering the whole screen . This video has two different
01:43 images made for each eye that are ever so slightly
01:45 offset . The cardboard box holds the image in the
01:49 perfect distance to my eyes and divides the image into
01:52 two so that each eye focuses on the image .
01:56 This type of video , the stereoscopic display simulates what
02:00 our eyes do naturally and folds our brains into thinking
02:03 that it's looking at a three D . Image by
02:04 creating a sense of depth . But the cardboard and
02:09 the video do more than create really vision . When
02:12 you move your head around , it actually reveals new
02:14 areas of the video . The phone has a couple
02:17 of sensors that measures position and angle , sort of
02:20 like a Gps so it can track how your head
02:22 is moving and as you move your head around ,
02:25 the images on the screen adjust so that you feel
02:27 like you're not only looking at a video but actually
02:30 walking through it . Now , if virtual reality is
02:36 as easy as citing a phone into a cardboard box
02:39 , why are we not all living in a virtual
02:41 world today ? There's a couple of reasons . First
02:44 reality is more than just what we see . If
02:46 I really wanted to feel like I'm at a beach
02:49 . What are some other elements that I would add
02:50 in the feeling of sand between your toes ? The
02:54 smell of salt water , the sound of wind .
02:57 Exactly . But the other things that are harder to
03:00 make virtual than vision , things like haptics , the
03:03 science of touch will help us to better understand our
03:06 real senses in order to simulate them in virtual reality
03:10 by the way , simulating these other senses like taste
03:13 , smell or touch will eventually help us to improve
03:16 motion sickness , which a lot of people feel in
03:18 virtual reality today . Also to create a fully immersive
03:21 environment , even if it's just visual is a lot
03:24 of work , it's way more than just filming a
03:26 scene from two different perspectives . To create three D
03:29 . Vision , you need to create or capture an
03:32 entire three dimensional world where you can walk around and
03:35 move your head to see all the possible views .
03:37 Several companies are developing special software and cameras but it's
03:41 still very expensive and time consuming to do this at
03:43 high quality virtual reality is really cool . But even
03:47 if it can create a perfect virtual reality , we
03:50 wouldn't want to replace actual reality . We still like
03:52 to experience some things in real life . Like so
03:55 and as a society , we're just beginning to think
03:58 about the ethical and moral aspects of creating simulated realities
04:01 . So virtual reality may look simple but it's very
04:03 complicated . The cool thing is that the better understanding
04:07 we have a real reality , like how our senses
04:09 were , the better virtual reality will get . Yeah
00:0-1 .



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