Why can't humans fly? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Why can't humans fly? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Why can't humans fly? - By MITK12Videos

00:02 Hi , my name is jade and I'm Lauren were
00:05 PCBs student and we're saying genetics in art class .
00:08 And we want to ask you a question , is
00:12 it genetically possible and growing on your back and be
00:16 able to fly ? Hi , I'm dr sara thornton
00:19 and I'm a biologist here at MIT . If you
00:22 haven't already seen the videos about how we would build
00:24 a human with wings , I really recommend that you
00:26 watch this video , but even if you can make
00:29 a human with wings without human , be able to
00:31 fly . Professor Pereira is going to answer the other
00:34 half of your question . My name is Jaime Pereira
00:37 . I am a faculty member here in the department
00:40 of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT . Humans obviously cannot
00:44 fly and the reason is because they've been able to
00:48 successfully develop and reproduce and thrive without having to fly
00:52 unlike birds that required flying in order to be able
00:55 to survive and develop . From an engineering perspective ,
00:59 on the other hand , we can look at what
01:01 are the shortcomings of the human body in order to
01:03 be able to fly . And the first one that
01:06 comes to mind is is essentially the shape it has
01:09 . We are very heavy relative to the surface that
01:12 we have , and this surface is very important because
01:15 in order to fly you need to be able to
01:16 generate aerodynamic forces and that can only be done .
01:20 If you have sufficient surface , you look at birth
01:22 . The ratio of going surface to the to the
01:25 weight is much larger than the surface of our bodies
01:29 relative to our weight . If you look at a
01:31 large bird like an albatross , it would have a
01:34 wingspan of about two metres and weigh approximately 20 kg
01:39 . two m is about the wingspan we might have
01:42 with our open arms if we were to think of
01:44 our arms . His wings , but obviously we are
01:45 a lot heavier than 20 kg . The dazzlers aircraft
01:49 , which is a human powered aircraft was built here
01:52 a few decades ago . At that time , it
01:54 held the world record for human powered flight . It
01:57 flew for about 100 kilometers or perhaps even more essentially
02:00 . What you have here is a human peddling .
02:03 But what is around the human is an aircraft which
02:05 is about 30 40 kg . And a wingspan is
02:09 probably of the order of 15 m maybe , and
02:12 that's the type of surfaces that it would take to
02:15 lift a human . If we really were not to
02:18 go to wings of this size and we were to
02:20 stay with the smaller wings , that would be possible
02:23 if we were able to fly faster . But in
02:26 order to fly faster than the the energy consumption will
02:29 be quite significant . The faster you fly , the
02:32 more energy you need and the less wings you need
02:34 to fly , say in a bird like class ,
02:37 you would need a significant amount of energy , and
02:40 our bodies are just not created to to deliver this
02:44 amount of energy a bad , but it about each
02:47 way , perhaps once or twice a day in order
02:50 to be able to fly . So that's the amount
02:52 of food intake that a bad would take . On
02:55 the other hand , humans do not usually eat uh
02:58 their way in food every day . In fact ,
03:01 they eat a lot less . So here you can
03:03 see that the amount of energy that bad producers is
03:06 much higher relative to their weight and that's something that
03:09 would have to be addressed to make a body like
03:11 that of a human to be able to fly .



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