Resources: Welcome to the Neighborhood - Crash Course Kids #2.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Resources: Welcome to the Neighborhood - Crash Course Kids #2.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Resources: Welcome to the Neighborhood - Crash Course Kids #2.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 you've probably noticed by now in your years of being
00:12 a human that human beings need a lot of stuff
00:14 to live food , water , shelter , Youtube .
00:18 Well , maybe not that last one . So where
00:20 does all of this stuff come from ? Why it
00:25 comes from our very own earth . We live on
00:27 a planet that has all of the stuff we need
00:29 to survive . There's fresh water to drink fruit on
00:32 trees and wood to build our houses convenient . Right
00:35 ? We call this stuff resources because humans need so
00:39 many of these resources to live , it's easier for
00:42 us to form communities like cities or neighborhoods where these
00:45 resources are plentiful . So we don't have to travel
00:48 long distances to find them on our own . That's
00:50 why you don't normally see big cities in the middle
00:52 of deserts where there's no water or at the top
00:55 of freezing mountains where there's no food . Think about
00:57 your own town and where it's located . If it's
00:59 close to things like water and agriculture , that was
01:02 probably no accident , humans and other animals tend to
01:05 thrive in places that are near the resources they need
01:08 to survive . Of course the stuff we need to
01:10 live doesn't come ready to use right out of the
01:13 earth . Although I would personally love it if there
01:15 were say a lake full of pure hot fudge .
01:19 But in order for us to use the resources around
01:22 us , we have to transform them first because I'm
01:25 kind of hungry right now . Let's use food as
01:27 an example . In fact let's make a cake .
01:31 Think about all the ingredients that you need to put
01:35 together in order to bake one of these delicious treats
01:38 . Let's start with some water . The water that
01:40 comes out of your kitchen faucet most likely came from
01:42 rivers and lakes around your town . But before the
01:45 water is safe to drink it has to be cleaned
01:47 and stored in places like reservoirs and water towers .
01:50 Okay , what next ? Flour , eggs , sugar
01:53 , and milk these ingredients and a lot of the
01:55 other foods that we eat have to be cultivated ,
01:57 which means grown on farms before they can be shipped
02:00 to grocery stores . In order to do this ,
02:03 farms have to be where crops and livestock can live
02:05 and grow . All right now we need to mix
02:08 these ingredients all together . That means that our electric
02:10 mixer needs power . The energy we use to power
02:13 all of our gizmos can come from a lot of
02:15 different places . Sometimes it comes from materials that we
02:18 have to dig underground to find like oil and natural
02:21 gas . Some houses get their energy from the sun
02:23 or by wind . Some towns that are close to
02:26 large dams can even get their energy from moving water
02:29 , but more on that later now , how do
02:30 we bake this bad boy ? The same kinds of
02:32 energy that powered our mixer also help do things like
02:36 heat our homes and cook our food so from start
02:42 to finish . Everything we use to make our cake
02:44 came from the transformation of the resources around us .
02:48 The effect the natural world has on our lives is
02:50 immense and something as simple as baking a cake shows
02:54 that we wouldn't be able to live the way we
02:55 do without the abundance of natural resources on our planet
02:59 . And it doesn't hurt that the end result of
03:01 those resources can be a cake .



Resources: Welcome to the Neighborhood - Crash Course Kids #2.1 is a free educational video by Crash Course Kids.

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